Saturday, May 4, 2013

My Kidney Stone


It’s amazing that something so small can cause such misery and pain.

Let’s examine it more closely to see if we can see why something this insignificant can be such a problem-

Friday, May 3, 2013

This is a must see.....CHECK YOUR CARDS - WTHR_The Risk inside your credit card

h/t CS

More up to date info on this story:

Electronic Pickpocketing: Fact or Fiction? A New Credit Card Scam

  • Mar 05, 2011
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There have been some alarming reports circulating recently about security problems with contactless, or Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), cards. These include credit, debit, or ATM cards, all of which can be enabled for contactless transactions by an embedded RFID chip. Encoded within the chip are confidential account details such as the account number and expiry date. To make a quick purchase the customer just holds the card up to a merchant's contactless reader at the point of sale; the account details are read and the transaction is recorded.
Early adopters of contactless technology include coffee shops, public transport providers and fast food stalls. A potential weakness of the contactless system is that enterprising fraudsters may be able to use their own, illegal RFID readers, to capture customer account details. The story seems to have originated from Memphis-based TV channel WREG, who ran an item called 'Electronic Pickpocketing' in December 2010.
The TV station commissioned an undercover reporter to patrol a shopping street with a card-reader, bought for less than $100, and test the device out (on willing volunteers, not on unknowing victims, I should point out!). The reporter was able to use the device to scan contactless cards remotely from people's wallets, pockets and bags, and display their account details on its screen. The story 'went viral' after being posted on WREG's website, reportedly attracting 1.2 million views in the first few days.
Information he was able to steal included the card issuer name, customer account number, card expiry date and customer name. All this data can be scanned in, stored, and then emailed to criminals anywhere in the world. Imagine a fraudster armed with this card reader, at a football match, for example. Thousands of people crammed together in a small space, all carrying contactless cards to pay for their mid-match snack at the hot dog stand. Rich pickings indeed for an enterprising criminal, all for the outlay of $100 and a couple of hours 'work'! It turns out that WREG's undercover reporter was none other than Walt Augustinowicz , founder of security firm Identity Stronghold,
According to him, it's not just your account details that are at risk from this type of theft, but also your passport, which, if it was issued in recent years, will also contain the new-style RFID chip and is vulnerable to being illicitly scanned in the same way. Hacking a passport yields personal details such as date of birth and aphotograph, which can then be used to create fake ids.
Mr Augustinowicz' company is in the business of marketing protective devices designed to shield plastic cards and passports from illegal scanning. I'm informed that aluminium foil will have the same effect, though I have not tried this out myself yet. Sounds like a simple idea which could save a lot of problems; doesn't it? But do we really need a protective cardholder? What is the true extent of the risk for contactless customers? Once criminals have got hold of our account details, just how much damage can they do?
Before we all start to panic about this report, it is important to remember that there are safeguards built into contactless cards to prevent major losses to customers. Most importantly, they cannot be scanned by card readers for a PIN number or a CVV (3-digit security code). Some older contactless cards may hold a scannable customer name, but not the later editions. Either way, account number and expiry date, with or without a customer name, is insufficient data to create an illegal cloned card. For a Card Not Present (CNP), that is a telephone or internet purchase, a fraudster would also need to know the long number embossed on the card and the CVV. Contactless cards are designed to be read only when held close to a merchant's reader, and have a limited transmission range, meaning that any would-be scammer would have to get pretty darned close to you in order to be physically able to scan your card.
Contactless card providers are constantly striving to ensure their customers are safe from fraud, and the latest cards emit their data in an encrypted format. Another security feature intrinsic to contactless cards is that they are only intended for relatively low-value purchases, and typically have a transaction limit of $30 or less. So it is unlikely you will ever lose much to a scammer. In the meantime, it wouldn't hurt to invest in a bespoke card wallet, or at least wrap your card up in a bit of kitchen foil.
Charlotte Mooney
Charlotte Mooney is an IT professional with many years experience, now working for IT Software Consultancy Proswift, a leading provider of international credit system solutions to banks and finance houses. Click here for more topical stories from the world of credit card processing. ProSwift News

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If for any reason you have trouble getting into this youtube, there are at least four ways to do it:

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IF none of those work, there is absolutely no hope for you.
Good Luck.

Aaaaaaah Shala My Lickem

WTHR_The Risk inside your credit card

Uploaded on Mar 9, 2011
News on Electronic Pickpocketing. You can find RFID protection wallets and sleeves at You can also see many more news stories about this on my channel at


If you only take time for one email today, make it this one! This is serious

OK, folks......this is VERY important for you to know......You really need to
watch this video----then PASS it on to everyone you know.
Wi-If Symbol on your Credit Card
Check your newer credit cards for the Wi-If Symbol on it. You need to watch the video below to really know why I sent this to you.
I read this about a couple weeks ago, and then checked my cards for the little "Wi-If Signal Icon" on each one. I found none w/that signal on them, but I was determined to watch for it when my cards came in on renewals. Well, yesterday I got my CHASE SLATE card AND THERE IT WAS ! My first time to see it. I'll not activate that card after seeing this. I guess I'll go to the bank and see if I can replace it w/a non Wi-If (Radio Frequency Card)....?
Thought all my contacts ought to see this if you've not already seen this demo ...

Best Way to Survive an IED or Hand Grenade Attack

h/t MK

Ed Note: If you cannot read what's below, Hold the left button on your mouse down and run your cursor over it and the text will magically appear.

If for any reason you have trouble getting into this youtube, there are at least four ways to do it:

Cut and paste the youtube website almost immediately below
click on the title in the black band at the top of the frame
click on the white triangle in the frame
click on the youtube logo in the black band at the bottom of the frame

IF none of those work, there is absolutely no hope for you.
Good Luck.

Aaaaaaah Shala My Lickem

Best Way to Survive an IED or Hand Grenade Attack

Jim Wagner Add comments
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I originally posted this video on the FightFast facebook page shortly after the tragic events at the Boston Marathon. This video was created a few years back, but recent events make it all the more relevant. As Mr. Wagner explains in the video, although it is rare, civilians in the U.S. unfortunately are exposed to IEDs. The good news is that the simple and easy to learn technique in this video can save your life if you are ever unfortunate enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
First of all, it must be said that this technique only works if you have at least a split second warning before a device explodes. I’m not suggesting that this makes you immune or that those victims of the Boston Bombing would have been saved or less severely injured had they known this technique. That was a surprise attack. However, if you are exposed to several blasts, after the first “surprise” you do have a chance to drop to the ground, thereby lowering your profile and potentially saving your life.
The best part about this technique is its simplicity. While nearly all those who have served in the military are familiar with this technique, startlingly few civilians are even aware it exists. This is a shame since it is dead simple to learn and extremely effective when done right.
As Mr. Wagner explains in the video, this technique starts with you becoming aware that an explosive device is in your vicinity. Once you see it you need to immediately take a step away from it then dive onto the floor with your feet pointed toward the device. Once on the ground you have lowered your profile significantly, reducing the amount of shrapnel you are exposed to.
How does this work? Well on average only 2% of the shrapnel (fragments of metal or other debris which cause most of the damage in this type of explosion) coming from an IED or grenade actually travels along the horizon (close to the ground).
It’s simply mathematics, drop to the ground, lay flat, and your chances of surviving increase dramatically. Remember you can’t outrun shrapnel, although this is often a first instinct it is dead wrong.
Once on the ground there are several steps you can take to prevent that 2% of shrapnel you are exposed to from causing a serious or mortal wound. The first and most important step is to be face down with your feet together and pointed toward the device. This step allows the soles of your feet and your legs to absorb any shrapnel headed your way. Your feet and legs are now a wall of protection for your vital organs.
Next you want to cover your ears with your hands, tucking your elbows in at your sides. This protects your ear drums as much as possible and tucking your arms in at your side protect the artery that runs on the inside of the arm. You will also want to open your mouth to prevent the the shock front from collapsing your lungs. And close your eyes to prevent dust and debris from hampering your vision after the blast.
Lastly, the information shown at the end of the video explains how this technique can be slightly modified to save the life of someone your are with.
For a safer life,
Bob Pierce
Head Honcho,

Chicago Law Prof on moose kakes' ''hubby'' - "The Professors Hated Him because he was Lazy, Unqualified and Never Attended any of the Faculty Meetings"

The highest tenured faculty member at Chicago Law spoke out on Barack Obama saying, “Professors hated him because he was lazy, unqualified, never attended any of the faculty meetings.”
Doug Ross reported this and more:
I spent some time with the highest tenured faculty member at Chicago Law a few months back, and he did not have many nice things to say about “Barry.” Obama applied for a position as an adjunct and wasn’t even considered. A few weeks later the law school got a phone call from the Board of Trustees telling them to find him an office, put him on the payroll, and give him a class to teach. The Board told him he didn’t have to be a member of the faculty, but they needed to give him a temporary position. He was never a professor and was hardly an adjunct.
The other professors hated him because he was lazy, unqualified, never attended any of the faculty meetings, and it was clear that the position was nothing more than a political stepping stool. According to my professor friend, he had the lowest intellectual capacity in the building. He also doubted whether he was legitimately an editor on the Harvard Law Review, because if he was, he would be the first and only editor of an Ivy League law review to never be published while in school (publication is or was a requirement).
This photo of Barack Obama teaching in Chicago was posted in February 2008 atPrestoPundit. In this class Barack Obama was teaching his students the principles of Saul Alinsky. Notice the flow chart indicating the flow of money and power out of productive businesses (“CORP”) and into the political class (“MAYOR”):

The heading at the top reads “POWER ANALYSIS”. The sub-heading reads “RELATIONSHIPS BUILD ON SELF INTEREST”. The symbol on the arrow between “CORP” and “MAYOR” is the “$” sign.
Saul Alinsky came up with the idea of power analysis, which looks at relationships built on self-interest between corporations, banks and utilities. Barack Obama was teaching students in Chicago the Alinsky Principles.
Of course, this is not a surprise. After watching the bribes, kickbacks, lies and threats this past year as Democrats fought to take over the health care industry, it’s obvious that the only subject Obama excels at is Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals.
More… Isn’t it a bit odd that the only photo we’ve seen of Obama teaching, he’s explaining the Alinsky principles?